conditions playwrights

Information to provide : name ; post & mail addresses ; phone number ; date of birth ; biography ; text in the original language ; summary.
(et pour les français, n° de sécurité sociale) 

MEO takes the exclusive rights for the length of the intellectual property.
There is no territorial limitation, but it only concerns works in French language.

The cession concerns mainly printing and performing rights, cinema being not concerned.
For everything done by MEO (mainly printing), the playwright gets 7% (3% for the translator) of the incomes.
For every cession made to a third part (mainly performances), the playwright gets 50% (33% for the translator).

If the playwright wants to have additional conditions for performances, more than the basic French uses (around 11% on the tickets or sales), he/she has to mention it, in order to write it down in the contract.
The playwright can keep his/her performing rights, as he/she wishes, but must be able to manage them (by him/herself).
The payments MEO makes to the playwrights living abroad have to be reduced from 15 % because of French taxes.
It is possible to reduce this rate for each year by sending the documents mentioned in the contract.
These explanations are a summary and can’t be a substitute to the contract.
Of course some points can be discussed and negotiated if needed.
When everybody agrees, two copies of the contract must be initialed on each page and signed on the last one by the playwright, and sent back by classic post (not by scan/mail) before 30 days. A copy signed by MEO is then sent back to the playwright.

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